Saturday, May 3, 2008

Home, and all those kind of things :)

Hi! So apparently I have not posted in too long, as my parents tell me. :) So this is a post to tell everyone that I am home, safe and sound. I got back April 12th, and lazied around for a week (getting lots of rest until I was bored with it). Then I started helping out with people from the ward, so lately I've been doing lots of house cleaning and babysitting. :)

However, danger looms on my horizon. Aaggghh! I have to get my wisdom teeth out this upcoming Friday, and am very nervous and kinda scared. Oh well, I will survive (I hope). Then I'm going with momma and daddy on a family camping trip! I'm really excited, since it's been a long time since we went camping together...and since school's still in session in here, we'll probably have a lot of great open space all to ourselves! Yay! :) Campfires and roasted marshmellows, here I come!!! :)


Debi said...

Just think about how you will be pampered after you have your wisdom teeth out, though....:)

Kristie said...

Good luck with those teeth!!! :) I hope that you have a fun time camping! Eat a few smores for me!!!

Shelly's Space said...

It's good to hear from you again Melissa!! It's a good thing to get those widsom teeth out now...good luck....and have a great time camping!!

Jenny Jensen said...

You are so lucky you are getting them out! I was supposed to last year, but it didn't work out. Now I have one coming in and it is PAINFUL! I miss you... you will definitely have to blog more often!! :)