Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Visit With the Best Sister In the Whole Wide World!!!!

I've been at Kristie's house for three days now, and am loving it!!! :D I'm having so much fun playing with everyone and talking and doing hair (Kristie lets me do some pretty crazy hairdo's on her)! :)

We had snow yesterday and last night, so I also got to go sledding with the boys out front!!! (It was sooooo much fun!) Plus, we've had quite the snowball fights...apparently everyone likes to gang up on Auntie M! :) I'm so glad that I got to visit the best sister ever this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Kristie!!!! Thanks, Momma and Daddy, for my amazing Christmas present (the chance to fly out here and visit)!!!! You guys are the best!!


Debi said...

Good Grades=Spoiling by Momma. :) I'm glad you are having fun with your sister. Hey, have you taken any pictures? If not, take some and then blog with a picture next time! (Sorry, sounds like I'm never satisfied...)

Kristie said...

I am so glad that you are visiting me too!!! :) You are spoiling my kids ROTTEN!!!! :O They sure do love you!! Thanks so much for coming and spending time with us!