Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby on the Move!

I haven't been providing many baby updates...mostly I have just been "holding down the fort" and hoping to feel normal again. :) I am excited though, because now that I'm at least 15 weeks along, Austin and I can start counting down the time until our sonogram when we finally get to see the baby!!! :) We can't wait to find out whether our little one is a "he" or a "she," -- so I'm VERY glad that we live in a day and age where we don't have to wait until the day the baby is born to find out!

Well, last night was a restless one for me. I just couldn't get comfortable--something I hear happens quite a bit when one is pregnant. :) Finally, around 6:30 this morning, I just flopped over onto my back and tried to lay really still...maybe if I was lucky, I would find a comfortable spot! Well...I found something even better!!!

As I was laying there, I felt a funny little fluttery-feeling where the baby would be right about now. The first time I felt it, I went: "what was that?" I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was what I was hoping I was feeling. Then, a few moments later, I felt it again! I couldn't believe it...there really was a baby in there (not just a sick feeling)! :) I was so excited, and then the fluttering moved a little to the right and changed direction, and all of a sudden I felt a flurry of little flutterings! I quickly figured out that maybe this might have been what was keeping me sleeping restlessly last night. I quickly poked Austin and said, "honey, wake up! I can feel our baby moving!" That woke him up in a hurry (despite the early hour), and we both marveled together at how wonderful a blessing we had received from Heavenly Father in the form of a precious child of our very own! :)

I am so lucky to be getting ready to be a Mommy to a sweet little child of my very own! I am so happy, and excited, and in awe that I don't even have the words to describe it--and I love describing things (I'm a word person...). This is like a fairytale come true, and I'm so glad that
Austin and I can share this wonderful experience together.


Debi said...

:) !!!! :) !!!! :) !!!! :) !!!!
I share in your joy!!!! :)

Amanda said...

That is EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The movements will only get better from here;) And soon I bet 6:30 am will not seem like an early hour....We were all up and going over here as you were feeling your little one moving:)

Melissa said...

Amanda--I did think this morning about how early mommas have to get up with their little ones once they are born. I told Austin after I woke him up..."I bet this will be normal once the baby is born." He said, "Probably, but the bun's still in the oven for now, so thank goodness we can go back to sleep." :) :)

Kristie said...

Yay!! I am so excited for you! It is such a cool and neat thing. It is going to be fun to see pictures of you as you start to get bigger. I am so happy for you!!!!!

Austin said...

Flutter kicks eh? Definately the swimmers' child! Probally a prenatal kick set in utero.

Debi said...

I wonder if the baby will be a breast-stroker??

Debi said...

Better buy a house somewhere near a pool....

Shelly's Space said...

Thanks for the post....What a neat feeling to feel your little one moving! I am so excited for you both:)