Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas FHE

Usually Austin and I just read a Ensign article for Family Home Evening. But I thought, "Hey, Claire will be going into nursery in a few months (this upcoming March). I bet that we could start teaching FHE out of the nursery manual Behold Your Little Ones to get her used to listening to a "real" lesson. :) So last night, that is exactly what we did. Since Christmas is coming up in a few weeks, we learned about the lesson titled "Jesus Christ is the Son of Heavenly Father." (This was the Christmas lesson.) The picture above is the one pictured in the manual. We talked about Jesus being born of Mary and about Him being born also as the Son of God. I pointed to the baby and told her "this is baby Jesus." She looked at Austin and I, then pointed at Jesus and said "Baby!" This was a precious moment to me...to hear Claire reacting to us trying to teach her about her Savior. We pointed to the Star in the background, and Claire started doing the actions for "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." We explained that the Star was a sign of Jesus' birth. I love how quickly Claire is learning and growing. And at this Christmas time of year, I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to teach my sweet daughter the reason for this joyous season--the celebration of Christ's birth, the Redeemer of the world.


Amanda said...

Very sweet:) claire is lucky to have both a mom and a dad that wants to teach her good at such a young age:) what a blessed little girl:)

Debi said...

Lovely, I am so happy you have family home evening and will be teaching Claire so many good things! Hey, where is a little picture of my favorite 1 year old???

Austin said...

Hey, you forgot about Mr. Krueger's Christmas?!

Kristie said...

It sounds like it was a very sweet lesson!! I love when the little ones start to understand what is going on! It is hard to believe that Claire is almost old enough for nursery! It doesn't seem possible!