Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Pumpkin Patch--HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :)

 Several weeks ago, the mom of the little girl that I babysit for invited Claire, Austin and I to go to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch with them. So one of the Saturdays at the beginning of October, we headed out early in the morning. I couldn't believe just how HUGE this was! It was really fun. :)
 This little airplane drive was probably Claire's favorite part of the whole pumpkin patch experience. We played around the pumpkins for a while, looked at some animals, rode a hay ride, and did a bounce house and one of those big bounce slides...but there is just something about driving with a big steering wheel that made Claire feel big. :)
 Claire makes all kinds of funny faces these days. I especially loved this she's saying, "I've got you now, my little pumpkin!"
 Family photo! Not the best of Claire, but that's probably because she is always looking to be going, going, going and doing, doing, doing. That girl is a mini-tornado! :)
 I loved all the little places you could take pictures with the pumpkins. Claire loved to sit on every pumpkin she could!
 Daddy and Claire. :)
 Claire and her friend, looking at the baby goats. They both really loved the animals. There were some horses, baby goats, and pigs there that you could look at. The baby goats were the biggest hit, though.
 Climbing the haystack. I would post pictures of our hayride, but Claire pretty much screamed the whole time, so I decided to post this picture instead. :)
 Claire is lucky to have such a good daddy who will do fun things with her, and let her chase after whatever her little heart fancies. :)
 Okay, so I admit--I was V-E-R-Y nervous about this particular activity. These bounce slides are huge! Claire certainly has the strength and energy to climb these, but I was worried she would get to the top and freeze, or get almost to the top and lose her balance and fall backwards a LONG ways to the bottom of the stairs. This particular bounce slide was only for kids who were 4 and under, but still. Anyways, I agreed to let Claire do it (probably helped that she was begging to go on it)...but I told Austin it was on him if something happened. ;) But Claire did it just fine! She climbed all the way up without any problems. Now, getting to the slide part is a different story, but we were lucky that a little boy who climbed up after her helped her walk to the slide part. Then she slid down like a pro!
It makes me feel like my baby is turning into a big girl! Where have those days flown by to??? I feel so lucky to have Claire for my daughter. :) I'm pretty sure I'm going to treasure every minute (you know...once I get past the screaming terrible two phase, that is...haha!). It's hard to believe my baby is 2 now! Happy Halloween, everyone!


Amanda said...

Aaaaah. I love Claire:) and i loved seeing ur day at the pumpkin patch. Funny how we went to the same patch, but our time spent there looked completely different! Ha;)

Debi said...

Ha, Ha!!! Claire takes after YOU!!!
I'm glad she had such a fun time at the Pumpkin Patch. :) She is so cute...

Shanna said...

What a fun pumpkin patch! Brave Claire to do that slide! Her hair is getting so long!

Shanna said...

What a fun pumpkin patch! Brave Claire to do that slide! Her hair is getting so long!

Kristie said...

I was thinking the same thing as Momma about Claire being just like you Melissa!!! :) So cute! I loved all the fun pictures of your day at the pumpkin patch!!