Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Video

Winter Blizzard!!!

Sorry this first picture is kinda fuzzy...this is what it looks like right outside my apartment tonight! We are currently under a winter storm warning, and let me tell you, it was VERY hard facing into the wind when I was walking back from swim practice tonight! :( They were actually snowplowing the walkways as I was walking home in this crazy blizzard weather, so that people who were out on campus could walk to places without having to borrow snowshoes to survive the walk! :) Anyways, this is my dorm.This kinda shows the snow outside, but not very well. It snowing REALLY, REALLY hard out there, and I'm betting that we're gonna be snowed in at least part-way in the morning. :)
You can see how high the snow is, and it's still going strong out there. A couple of girls I guess decided to try out the slide down the can see the difference between the snow level up top, and where they packed it down a little above ground level.
I got a really good picture from just barely inside my apt. door here of the snow outside...the only reason it looks clear is because I wasn't out there in it--hey, I'm not crazy!
This is a picture of the snow starting to pile up in front of my can sort of see the dark green of the door on the far left. I actually stepped through this when I came home from swim team, but it had already snowed so much when I took the pictures, that you can't see my steps anymore.
Here's a better picture of the doorway--and the snow all around it. :)
This is what it looks like from the inside of my dorm...if you look closely, you can see my reflection in the window! :) This was taken from inside the kitchen, at the window looking out. And you wouldn't believe it, but I saw some girl running up those stairs you see to go do her laundry! I would NOT choose tonight to go anywhere, not even if it was just across the way! Just stepping out of my apt. door is bad enough!!!
More pictures...I thought it looked really pretty with all the apartments lit up from the inside while the storm howled outside. Really, if there was such thing as a snow tornado, this would be it!

Oh, and here's a really short video that I took on my camera. I'm not sure if it will work or not, but I tried. I didn't stay outside for too long, and I really never stepped outside the protection of the doorway, so that I didn't freeze to death, or get buried in snow, so I don't know how much of the snow you'll see whipping around like little snow darts! I hope you enjoyed Idaho's crazy weather post!

Monday, January 28, 2008

My Living Room, Meatloaf Dinner, and the I-Clicker...

Here are some pictures of my living room that I thought you might appreciate...the blanket and pillow I brought up here are on the right hand couch. The blue blanket is Elisabeth's.This is what the table looked like right before dinner! I set the table for everyone, and Jenelle and Elisabeth's fish bowl was our lovely centerpiece. :)

Here's my meatloaf! I cooked it all on my own...I also made biscuits, baked potatoes, and snicker doodles for dessert! Mmmm, mmm! Everyone loved them! And it wasn't even all that hard to do!
Here is what the table looked like right as I was calling everyone for dinner. Bon apetit! :)
These last two pictures are for Momma, since I was telling her about the I-Clicker's the other day...and this happens to be mine! :) But boy, are they EXPENSIVE! Sorry about the last picture, I accidentally took it the wrong way, but it is a little more clear.

I actually posted more pictures of the living room, but I messed up while I was doing this post and deleted them...sorry! :( I'll get those posted sometime later if you still want to see them.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Sorry, Momma told me I should DEFINITELY post about the weather here, but I've been busy, so I'm just getting around to it. However, on Wednesday when I went to class, guess how cold it was outside? Yep, that's right, -10! I wore my BIG coat, but wore a short-sleeved t-shirt underneath, and was getting hot on my way to class...I know, weird! But, the cold wasn't too bad. :) Oh, and it snowed ALL day yesterday!! :( I love the snow, but NOT when it's blowing straight into my face!!!! :( But it looks really pretty outside! :) And on another side note, guess what? IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!! AND, this weekend is a three day weekend, because I get Monday off for Human Rights Day (aka. Martin Luther King Jr. Day). Yea!!!!!! :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Okay, so I keep thinking about posting about all the snow here, and I still hadn't, so now I'm finally getting around to it! Here are some pictures of what I look at everyday when I'm walking around campus...endless amounts of snow! This is what it looks like right outside my dorm in the front of the building, and a little bit of our courtyard. :) Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Roomates!

Okay Momma, I promised you I would post a picture of my two new roommates, so here it is! On the left is Jenelle, who is from Spokan, Washington. On the right is Elisabeth, who is from Utah, and who brought a car here! :) Yea! Anyways, they are really sweet. Jenelle took over my old bed, and both of the girls are still getting used to beds that are several feet up in the air, haha. Anyways, we're all getting along pretty well, and tomorrow we will all be starting off the new semester! I was also gonna blog about the mind-boggling amount of snow here, but I'll do that later...I forgot to take pictures of it, but there is SO MUCH of it! I'm having a good time up here, and I hope that this semester is awesome!

Monday, January 7, 2008

I Love Holiday Bargains!!! :)

I brought a lot of hot chocolate up to Rexburg this semester to enjoy on those cold days that I know are ahead. There was only one problem...I didn't have a mug!!! Momma and I thought about packing one to bring up here, but I didn't want it to get broken on the flight up here. So I decided to get a new one up here for as cheap as I could find. :) Well, I went to Walgreen's first because it was close, and started browsing. I went and looked in the kitchen section and couldn't find ANYTHING!!!! Darci had come with me, and so we were both looking to make sure we hadn't passed up anything that could possibly be a mug. Then I decided I would go and ask someone who worked there if they might have any mugs in the back, just on the off chance that the mugs weren't out. So we started walking up the holiday aisle...and all of a sudden Darci says Look! and low and behold, there are three Christmas mugs the PERFECT SIZE!!! :) Yea!! I looked on the bottom and it said 2 for $1, so I thought, Hey! This is a pretty good price! Only fifty cents!! :) Well, I took it up to the register, and when the lady rang it up, I found out that the mug, besides being fifty cents, was also on a 90% off holiday sale!!!!! Yea!! So guess how much I got the perfect mug for??? ONLY FIVE CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, pretty amazing, huh? I'm pretty excited, so I thought that I would blog about it and share my excitement with everybody!! :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Christmas Break!!!

Well, I definitely haven't posted for a while, and so I thought that I would get on and post some pictures that I took this Christmas break. I had a fantastic time getting to see all my friends and almost all my family (since Kristie and her family are in Kentucky), and overall had a wonderfully enjoyable and relaxing Christmas holiday!!! :) This first picture is of Leah and me at the movies last week at our TML party. :)

This is a funny picture that we took of us three looking "tough". Well, Leah and I look tough and Taylor is being funny. :)
This past Tuesday Vanetia and I (Vanetia's a friend from high school band) had lunch at IHOP and caught up on life. We had a great time, and I got to see her new hairstyle!! :)
I feel like I've done pretty much everything this Christmas break. I also got to spend the night at both of my brothers' houses and play with my Pierce, Ansley and Hailey! :) I had a fantastic time talking to Steve and Amanda, and Michael and Heather. And, when I went to see Steve and Amanda, I got to have the grand tour of their "new" house that they bought around the time that I left for school! :) And believe me, it is gorgeous!!! Also, I celebrated New Years with some old friends from high school band at Roberto's house, and went bowling and to the movies with Adrian! There's DEFINITELY no place like home with family and friends around you. :) And, since I can now officially keep up with Momma walking (well...sort of...) since I've been walking everywhere around campus this semester, we spent a lot of time shopping around, hitting all the good stores in Carrollton during the break, and just generally having a good time. I sure will miss having our time together when I go back.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008!!! Can you believe that time has passed so fast? It seems like only yesterday that people were worrying about the turn of the century and Y2K and about the world's end in the year 2000. Wow! And now here we are, eight years in! Well, I guess this is my goodbye to Texas until the good ol' Summertime (when all the trees and leaves are green...). Until then...see you in Bloggerland! :)