Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Claire Rides Her Tricycle--First Time!

This is Claire's first day to work the pedals all by herself! She was so excited, and kept saying, "Let me show you my tricks!" :) This was right after dinner tonight. I can't believe how well she did! :) She couldn't quite make it work on the carpet since it's harder to pedal there, but the hardwood/tile floors seem to be fine. I just had to post some video! :) Enjoy. :)


Amanda said...

Love it!!!! Oh my boys both loved riding their trike around and around the island in both the old and the new house. Claire will just have to get stronger so she can make a full circle over and over and over;) we had an indoor trike that we never took outside. And it got used so much. Now molly still has it in her house for her youngest;)

Kristie said...

Yay for Claire!! Great job! She is getting so big! :)

Debi said...

Wow! Claire is such a big girl. :) Soon, she'll be an old pro (just in time to be a big sister...). Love you, Clairie Bell.

Shanna said...

So excited for Claire! She will have so much fun! Yay! Her hair is getting so long!