Thursday, August 28, 2008

It Starts...

So I have officially lived through my first week of college in Texas! The summer is pretty much ended, and except for this coming Labor Day Weekend, I'm all done with lifeguarding (until next year, that is). :( That's okay, I think I got as dark as I possibly could this summer. :)

Leah has already come to visit from Utah, and gone back to school for the fall semester again. :( Taylor leaves me on Tuesday, and then I will officially be alone once again (this time in Texas instead of Idaho)...well, except I'll still get to see my family and live in Carrollton. :) Make way for change!!!

I love my "new" room...if you check on Momma's blog you'll see what I'm talking about. I have been reading, taking quizzes, and writing notes like crazy this week! Luckily I will get a break this weekend--I have a date tomorrow afternoon, and on Saturday night! So that should be pretty fun. :)

It's strange for me to not be going back up to Idaho, but I know it's hard for Momma and Daddy too...but at least I get to enjoy the great Texas heat for another year! :) I like the snow, but sometimes it would just get so cold up there! Here's to hoping it will be a GREAT (A+) school year, and a fast one too! :) Only three more months until Christmas!!!!!! :)


Shelly's Space said...

Sounds like you're off to a good start on school Melissa:) The year will go by really fast. I love your room...very stylish, and you look very tan!!
Uncle Richard will be taking Jon over to school next Wednesday (5 days)....we've been busy stocking up on food and other things for his dorm room.

Kristie said...

Study hard this year!! I am sure you will. :O It is hard to believe that this year is flying by so fast. I love you!!

Melissa said...

Well, I love your post! Sorry it took me so long to look at it :O ...I am remiss. You are starting off on a good foot with your schoolwork....keep it up!! I love you. :)