Sunday, October 10, 2010

Camping Part III: The Hike

We were finally able to pack everything up and take it back to the car. It only took 2 trips! :) Here is Austin at our campsite with the last of our camping things...we loved you, little camp!

This was the trail by the Headquarters station we saw after checking out for the day. It's called the "Lost Pines Trail." It is a short loop that intersects with a long, LONG trail going all around the south side of the lake (Isle Du Bois--the southern part of Ray Roberts Lake State Park...also known as the part of the State Park we went to). Needless to say, we decided to take the shorter loop, rather than hiking the 3.5 mile trail.

Here is Austin at the start of the Lost Pines Trail next to a--what? You said it...Pine Tree! :)

I'm here too! We were both ready to get hiking, and enjoy some more beautiful sites in the state park. :) Here we go!

Here we are as we started the trail. You can see just how wooded and hilly it was here. I give it two thumbs up!

This is a picture we took along the trail in one of the more open spots. Pretty flowers, and a fun-loving husband! :) Hooray for camping! :)

This nature trail had some different facts about early settlers along the Lost Pines (nature) Trail. This spot was a settlement built in the late 1800s that was occupied until around 1948! Can you imagine? This is the original chimney before the rest of the house was knocked down.

I took this picture of a beautiful plant along our trail for Momma, since she is the picture-taking queen! I thought this was one of my better up-close nature pictures! :)

And of course, Austin had to pretend to eat the berry bush. He is so silly! :) That's okay, I still love him. :)

Remember how I said we were taking the SHORT trail??? Yep...we definitely veered onto the longer loop at the intersection of the trails accidentally...without even knowing it! We probably walked about 1.5 miles before we turned back around. However, the longer trail came close to the lake, and what a beautiful sight it was!

This is what we saw, so of course we had to document it! :)

Isn't it pretty? We loved hiking, even if we hiked longer than we were expecting to! :)


Debi said...

Austin looks like a BEAR trying to eat those berries! :) I'm glad you guys had such a fun time.

Kristie said...

Very cool, but I am sorry to say that it doesn't really look all that hilly to me! :) It looks like you and Uncle Awesome had a great time!