Sunday, October 10, 2010

Camping Part IV: The Lake

I wanted to dub the lake swimming area "The Beach" since that is exactly what it seemed like. The beach front you can see behind Austin is one of the larger parts...the other large sandy part just like this is on our left (they're both connected though) was a BIG swimming area, and so much fun! :) We spent most of our Saturday here after hiking, and Austin proclaimed it his very favorite part of the park! :) It was REALLY fun, and the weather was even warm enough to swim! We didn't take any pictures of us swimming out there because we didn't want the camera getting sand in it. However, the water was WARM!!! It was a lovely day swimming. (And I'm not that big of a lake swimmer even!) :)

We didn't have our campfire anymore, so we cooked up the last of the hot dogs on our camp stove (Austin's pride and joy). There was a great playground right next to the lake...I mean, after all, this place has it all! :)

It was slightly difficult roasting hot dogs on the camp stove...but, Austin knew just what to do. :) Here he is with our roasters, roasting away on the hot dog. Isn't he so smart? :)

Above all, the sunset was GORGEOUS. We specifically chose our picnic table to face right towards this beautiful scene, and ate as we watched everyone playing around in the lake before the sun set. I love nature!

This picture was taken not too long afterwards. What a wonderful end to a wonderful trip! I hope you liked the pictures as much as we liked out campout! :)

If you enlarge the picture you can see the sign we saw as we drove out of the park--"Y'ALL COME BACK." Since we had such a wonderful time, I have to agree...I can't wait to come back! :)

I think we just might too...Austin bribed me (not with Fruit Stripe gum but with a state park pass) to swim out to the buoy and back with him. I did it! :) I will most always respond to the right kind of bribery after all. Hurray!!! State park camping, keep a lookout for us, we won't be gone long!!! :)


Shelly's Space said...

How fun Meilssa!! You two look like you really enjoyed camping....that's a pretty sunset picture:) Our camping weather here is past, unless one wants to get very cold and wet, or unless you're a boy scout. Looks like you have alot of good equipment too. You're carrying on the Whitley tradition! Thanks for the posts:)

Austin said...

What a GREAT trip! I LOVED camping, thanks for suggesting the FUNNEST IDEA EVER! Such a fun weekend, and thanks for the great post and picts!

Debi said...

I'm glad you had so much fun. You are making memories and one day you can tell your children that the first year of your married lives was such a happy time.

Kristie said...

Gorgeous sunset!!! I am glad that it was such a great trip for you both!!! It looks like you had a ton of fun together. :) You will look back on these memories with great happiness here in a few years! I loved all the pictures. :)