Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sunday Snow Fun

So, this Sunday as you might know Texas had a wonderful winter snowfall! :) It was very exciting to those of us who live here to look out the windows and see big, fat, softly falling snowflakes instead of rain! Austin was very excited to see his native weather appearing here in Texas (the snow). :) However, we both waited until 4pm, when church was done before the Sunday Snow Fun began. I was so excited so see snow that I suggested to Austin that we have some fun and go out and play. Austin suggested that we go to a park that is a couple minutes away where there was sure to be plenty of snow. What a fun time we had! Here is Austin's excited face as he is starting the drive to the park. :)
Here is my excited face as we arrive at the park. Yay!!! There was snow everywhere, and it was ripe for all kinds of snow fun.

This was the first view we had as we arrived. To us it seemed like a icy winter wonderland perfect for our enjoyment! :)

At this park there are quite a few nature trails that people can go walking on. This is one of our favorite aspects of this park. Plus, there was hardly anyone else there! We did happen to pass a photographer out and about in the snowy trees, and a man walking his dog. Otherwise, it was a snowy escape all to ourselves! :) What a treat. This is Austin at the start of one of the trails we took. He is leading the way into the snowy "wilderness"! :)

Austin is just so cute I had to take more than one picture of him. :) Here he is. The other pictures didn't turn out so well, but right before this he was shaking the tree to make it look like it was currently "snowing" on him when I took the picture. :)

Here is my wonderful husband. "Will we make it out alive?" He seems to be saying. At one point out on the trails (we were a little worried that we had lost the trail we had started out on) he assurred me: "Don't worry, I'm a Boy Scout, and I know the way!" Fortunately, we did make it back without really getting lost. I'm glad that my hubby was such a good boy scout! :)

A trail marker on the beautiful snowy day. It was starting to get dark about this time, and we were headed back out of the trees before the sunlight was completely gone. I love the way the snow looks on the trees. It transforms ordinary trees into beautiful works of living art that are marvelous to behold! Much like the gospel transforms ordinary people into extraordinary people, because of the beauty and strenth that it lends to the life of the person.

And what is this? A strange, but wonderful sign in the snow! :) Austin and Melissa Palmer, plus hearts and a hug and kiss! :) I think Austin's finger traced this cute message, don't you? :)

And a snow angel! I did this right before we left, so it was much darker by this point. It was Sunday after all, so I figured the making of the snow angel was an appropriate snow activity for the Sabbath. :)

Here is my wonderful Austin--King of the Snowy Log! :) This was too good of a picture to pass up. We both posed on this log before jumping over to the other side to continue on the trail.

My pose, unlike Austin's, was rather silly. :) Here I am showing off my muscles in a classic pose! :) As I was looking at this picture, it reminded me of a certain nephew of mine with curly blonde hair out in Kentucky! :) Brian, maybe you and I are more alike than you think! :)

Another pretty view. I couldn't get enough of what snow we had! :)

Another viewpoint...
Here is a picture of Austin under a tree that is bent over by the snow so much that it looked like a beautiful arch! :) Can you tell we were having lots of fun? We definitely were! :)
I hope that you enjoyed our walk in the park as much as we did! :)


Kristie said...

I love it! Snow on the trees is my absolute favorite part about when it snows. It makes everything look magical I think! I love all the pictures. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time out playing in the snow. :) We are enjoying our own winter wonderland today.

Debi said...

Yes, I enjoyed my walk through the winter wonderland. :) Thanks for the new post!

Austin said...

Why did you post all the bad pictures of me?!

Amanda said...

Love the trees! glad you got out and played:) Melissa you don't look very bundled up! Were you cold? Austin....They are fun pictures:) Not bad....Have you checked out my blog. I post bad pic's of myself all the time. It's more "real" that way! We love ya:)

Debi said...

I especially liked that first picture of you, Austin! You look like an angelic cherub ~~ You don't look bad in any of the pictures. And hey Austin, when you guys go outside in the cold-cold to play in the snow, remind Melissa to wear that $165 Lands End coat that is warm to 40 below~~then she'll be warm. :)