Wednesday, September 7, 2011

At the Hospital

We're at the hospital, and getting excited for a baby! Here is Austin, my wonderfuly husband showing his positive support...and me in the hospital bed trying to stay relaxed. I've been having contractions about 5-7 minutes apart, lasting anywhere from 40 to 60 seconds. If I continue contracting, we won't have to start any pitocin in the morning, because the baby will be coming on her own! We'll keep you updated as we can! :) Good night!


Debi said...

YEAH!!! Happy Thoughts....Happy Thoughts....Happy Thoughts. RELAX, Relax, relax....sleep well my daughter! Dream you're having a baby.... :)

Melissa said...

Will do! :)

Debi said...

:) I posted a blog...check it out. :)

Debi said...

It's almost 2 a.m.....I can't sleep. I keep wondering how you are's just a mother's're not a baby any more, but you're still my baby....hope all is going well.

Amanda said...

Dying for an update!!!!! hope all is well:)

Jenny Jensen said...

OH I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I hope everything has gone well since you posted and can't wait for an update!!! I love you Miss lissa!!