Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas and Kittens

We decked out for Christmas the first Saturday night in December. It was a bit of a stretch trying to rearrange everything to get the Christmas tree in, but I ended up liking how everything got settled. Here are some pictures of our decorations.
We bought some lights last year at an after-Christmas sale, and decided to put them up inside to be festive. We strung them all around in the kitchen, dining room, living room, and over our front door. It makes a perfect amount of light in the evenings without turning on any other lights but the Christmas tree.
My Christmas wreath is back up again this year. :) Also, here is a beautiful new nativity decoration Momma got me. I like how the lights light up the board at night, so it looks like it is glowing, like a Nativity Star. :)
The piano decorations for the Christmas season.

Our Christmas tree even has a few presents under it already.
This is the Nativity Austin got me last year for Christmas. I love it! It is one of my very favorite Christmas decorations.
And this is the kitten that adopted us, Gingerbread. Ginger for short. She showed up on our back porch during one of those really cold days we have been having lately. She wouldn't give up on trying to get our attention, so Austin and I finally took pity on her. Now she has her shots, and is a wonderful pet! Seems our family just keeps growing--if we aren't careful, the pets will outnumber the people soon.
She is a good kitten, and never scratches or bites. She doesn't get much attention (which I'm sure she doesn't like), but she is good anyways and leaves the hamsters and Claire alone. I just tell her, "sorry kitty, but we have a new baby that is our number one priority over here." If she had wanted someone to love on her all the time, she should have picked a different family's porch to meow on. But we still play with her in the evenings when there are two of us here to help with the baby, and have more free hands and time for the kitty.
Merry Christmas!


Amanda said...

Glad you could squeeze in your tree! Looks very festive over there;) Liam will be happy to know we have a nice cat in the family....he will have to meet her someday;) And a whole post without one picture of Claire?!

Melissa said...

Yes, sorry about that...I posted a new blog on Claire's blog too before this blog.

Kristie said...

I am glad to finally see a picture of your new kitty! :) Your apartment looks all cozy and cute and Christmassy!! :) I love it!!!!

Debi said...

Your decorations are pretty! :) I noticed the presents...has Santa already come??

Melissa said...

Nope, Santa's waiting for Christmas eve. :)

Austin said...

It's begining to look alot like Christmas, only missing the cinnamon Christmas cones... we kept them for 6 months because they smelt so good! They were everywhere last year and I have yet to see them.