Friday, September 18, 2009

Yellowstone (Part 1)

This is runoff from the Midway Geyser basin. It was a beautiful view, I just had to take several pictures!
Another view in the Midway Geyser Basin. These walkways (the new ones) were mostly made of a certain type of plastic wooden board, so that they would not erode under the extreme heat as fast as regular wood. Around all the hot springs we visited were walkways around the geysers (like you see here).
Austin and I in front of the runoff.
More pictures...
This shows a little more ideally how the hot water was running into the stream. On the bridge (where I took this picture), it had a sign "No Swimming." I don't think ANYONE could want to swim in THAT...even if it was pretty!
Another picture.
The Spasm Geyser.
This geyser is called Spasm Geyser. It kept going the entire time we were walking up to it, while we were looking at it, and as we were walking away. Pretty cool, I thought!
This is me at the geyser known as The Fumarole.
Most of the hot spring pools had names, however, either I didn't get a picture of the name of this pool (which is not likely...I took a TON!), or it was just unnamed...which is what I think happened. But it sure looked neat, so I thought I would post it.
This was a bacteria mat at one of the first stops we visited after entering the park. Pretty crazy-looking, isn't it?
Isn't it gorgeous out here? This is my wonderful boyfriend Austin, who took me out here to Yellowstone for a wonderful date idea!!! :) It was so fun to visit the park!
This is the big bull elk that was with the other doe elk. Here he is crossing over a small part of a river to the little island in the middle.
Another good shot of the bull elk. I couldn't believe I was able to get such great shots!
A close-up of the bison. Pretty cool, huh? :)
We saw quite a few animals when we first got into the park...and you can get really close!! This is just to show how close people actually got to the animals. You can see the bison and elk in the background.


Kristie said...

Thank you for the pictures!!!! It looks like a really cool place to visit. Perhaps one of these days we will get to go and visit there too!!!!

Debi said...

My favorite part was the narration where you said, "my wonderful boyfriend." (hee, hee). No really, I loved all the pictures. Kristie has a huge monitor with her computer, so the pictures were bigger than usual! :)

Shelly's Space said...

What a fun date idea!! We really want to go to Yellowstone on one of our trips that way.....thanks for a ll the great pictures:) Oh, you and Austin look very nice together:)

Amanda said...

okay that seems like a hard date to top!!!!! WOW! I would love to go there and the Grand Canyon someday....