Sunday, March 9, 2014

25 Weeks & Claire's Curlers

 The other night I curled Claire's hair...she was SO excited! :) She is too young to leave them in over night, so I just dried her hair with the blow dryer. Claire handed me each curler, and did pretty good (for her) at sitting still for her hair-do.
 Unfortunately she wasn't as good at standing still for a picture of the "after" look...luckily the picture snapped before her grumpy look flashed across her face. :) This way she just looks like she is being silly. :) As you can see, not much difference from the hair drying, but she loved doing it, and I had fun doing a "girly" activity with her. :)
 Also, I am 25 weeks along now! Hurrah! This little one is moving a lot...she mostly just enjoys floating up into my ribs. She is a lot different from Claire before Claire was born...I can't wait to meet this little one and see what she is like! :)
I haven't had as many cravings lately, but I am eating more (but I don't think ravenously so, like I did with Claire, when I was hungry...all...the...time!). I have been pretty tired this time around, but fortunately not that dizzy. I have had to resort lately to sleeping with a body pillow at night to get semi-comfortable so I can rest, but I'm just glad to sleep...I remember I couldn't sleep very well at all when I was pregnant with Claire, especially towards the end. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I get too big to really get a good night's rest.
I think this little girl is starting to pack on the pounds too, because she feels like she is getting HEAVY, and I know this is only the beginning--and compared to the end, this is nothing! :) I start my third trimester in a couple of weeks, and I can hardly believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by...but that is OK with me! :) I think I have gained about 5 or 6 pounds now, and fortunately all towards the baby. ;) Everything is starting to feel really real now...I guess I better get cracking on figuring out a name! It will be fun trying to figure out what name to give this little one, and it's probably something that I love the most about having a baby. Claire always calls the baby "sister" or "baby in Mommy's tummy" and likes to share her toys and her food with the baby these days. I just hope that she enjoys being a big sister as much when her little sister ACTUALLY gets here (and she has to share her Mommy and Daddy all the time)! :) I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)


Amanda said...

You look great Melissa:) And Claire looks adorable with her hair curled;)

Shanna said...

Love that little belly bump! You make such a cute pregnant lady! The picture of Claire with her curlers is adorable! I remember dong that with my girls when they were little--girls are so much fun! Boys are too of course, but in a different way.

Debi said...

Claire looks adorable in her curly hair! :) Penelope is getting so BIG!! (And so are you!)

Kristie said...

So fun! You and Claire are both so cute! I love it!!! :)