Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sorry!! I was just excited about my snow!! :)

Sorry that I scared you guys!! Nothing bad or even exciting happened, really. I was just expressing my emotions because it SNOWED! In September!! I mean, good grief!! You think that the weather will be nice AT LEAST through the end of the month, and look what happens—you end up walking around in pre-season snow, bundled up like Eskimos (note the picture of Darci and me). The picture of us two is when we were walking back from Walgreens (I needed to get some more milk), and then the pic of me was taken right afterwards, and I am showing how I’m feeling about the FREEZING snowy weather! I really tried to get some good pics of the snow, but didn’t really take them at a good time when the flakes were as big. But DON’T WORRY—I’m sure there will be PLENTY of snow pics before this semester is over! (Probably even before Halloween…) I went ahead and posted the pics that I took of outside our dorm when it was snowing…maybe if you blow them up really big, you might be able to see the snow flakes. When Darci and I walked to the Hart bldg. for fencing, I could look at the absolutely perfect snowflake form when they fell onto my black jacket. It was amazing!! I’m sorry I took the pictures when only the little flakes were falling…the really big flakes fell about the time that Darci and I were out and about going to and from fencing. I hope that you enjoy the pictures anyways! Who knows, maybe if you blow up the pictures big enough, you might even get to see the snow that fell over here since before I got up until early afternoon. Steadlily. It was so crazy! But I must admit, seeing all that snow, even if it was too hot to stick (it was only 24 outside, and it’s been in the 30’s and 40’s lately), I still enjoyed looking at it…not so much the walking in it! J I think that I’m gonna get used to this cold weather soon, because now even 30 degrees outside feels warm, and I KNOW that it really isn’t. As for the rest of you, I hope that you enjoy living the cold life while y’all stay nice and warm. And cozy. I miss you!!!


Amanda said...

:) Glad it was SNOW:) I love your PINK hat:) I think it would be fun to have that weather as long as I didn't have to shovel snow or scrape off a car:) YOu are going to be one skinny minnie when you get home between fenceing, swimming, and walking to the store every time you need a gallon of milk!

ProudDaddy said...

I noticed the snow on the sidewalk behind you when you had your hands on your face. You know the courtyard looks alot better without all the white signs on the doors and the courtyard would be a great place for a snow angel. :o

Kristie said...

Those are some cute pictures of you and Darci!!! I love the snow coming down! I could see the snow really well when I made it big!!! Thanks for the new post! (I was tempted to leave a comment that said "no comment until you commented on my blog" but I refrained!) :)

Debi said...

Thanks for posting! You look cute in the pictures! Keep up the hard work this week! Study for your test and read and take notes as you go! Love you lots....Momma

Jenny Jensen said...

Snow isn't too bad huh!! Wait till it gets really bad (up to your knees in some places)...Its a lot of fun to play in, and about the cold: as long as your dress smart (coat, gloves, scarf, hat, etc) it really isn't that bad. I found that i would not wear as much to keep warm in because all the walking heats you up!! I think that gloves and a hat are the most important to keep your hands and ears warm, because those don't warm seems like. Oh, its really nice because on campus they automatically shovel the snow on all the sidewalks, and if its icy they put gravel and salt down. Off campus it isn't like that, but luckily you live ON campus!! The gravel and salt will get the bottom of your pants really dirty though. I can't wait to come see you.

The dates that we are coming...which I hope won't be too bad for you are October 12, 13, 14.

Jenny Jensen said...

Oh yeah, it snowed all over Utah too, about the same as it snowed there.

Melissa said...

That's sounds so exciting, Jenny!! I can't wait to see you when you come up to visit! Don't worry, it's a good weekend for me, so whenever you want to come over, give me a call. I already wrote the dates on the calendar and told my roomies. It's gonna be so nice to see a familiar, family face around here!! (Can you tell it's my first semester, or what?) Apparently it's supposed to snow next week, and rain all this week (which will probably turn into snow the way the weather is going...), so be prepared! I can't wait to see you!! :)